About Us

Pack 153 is a non-profit organization, funded and run by volunteer parents like you.

Cub Scout program has been a fun and educational experience concerned with values. Besides providing a positive place where boys can enjoy safe, wholesome activities, Cub Scouting focuses on building character, improving physical fitness, teaching practical skills, and developing a spirit of community service.

2024-2025 Cub Scouts Pack 153

(replace '_at_' with @, '_dot_' with '.')
Example: @gmail.com
Cub MasterNishanth Manjunathnishanth.manjunath_at_gmail_dot_com
Pack Committee Member

Pack Committee Chair
Girish Krishnamurthy         
Praveen Dulimitta

Treasurer Krishna Muriki-
Recruiting and Registration ChairsPraveen Dulimitta-
Tech UpdatesNishanth Manjunathnishanth.manjunath_at_gmail_dot_com
Activities ChairsBabu Peddulpedduat_gmail_dot_com
Lion Den LeaderTBD-
Tiger Den LeaderPushparaj-
Wolf Den LeaderTBD-
Bear Den LeaderJayant-
Webelos Den LeaderSoundarya-
Arrow of Light Den LeaderGeethaa.geetha_gmail_dot_com